

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect. —Anaïs Nin

My Latest Writings and Ruminations

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Creating a Design Education for the 21st Century: Part One

To begin my story, it might be worth stating upfront that my foray into design education was purely accidental. My journey began at the end of October 2014. I had decided to join DESIGNATION, a start-up with the mission of bringing the concept of a bootcamp education to full-stack design.

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Creating a Design Education for the 21st Century: Part Two

When I became curriculum director, I chose to treat the design of the Designation program as I would any product. It just so happened that Designation’s was an educational product. Prior to joining Designation, I was design director at Discovery Communications, where I spent the previous few years incubating strategic products for the company. What I decided to do with Designation was to bring the same product design approach that I had cultivated at Discovery to the bootcamp.

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Why I Removed Coding From My Design Bootcamp

The topic of whether a designer should learn how to code has been debated countless times online. My personal stance is that understanding code is helpful for anyone who works with developers, and this isn’t limited to designers. I believe it’s useful for project managers and product managers as well.

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Advice for Young Designers

There’s a lot that goes into becoming a truly great designer. It can’t be done by simply reading a book or watching a YouTube video. As with anything worthwhile in life, it takes practice, time, and discipline to develop your craft. This article, which was originally written in 2014 in collaboration with JJ Lee, is a practical guide to becoming a better designer.

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